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August 12, 2014 / needhamgrassroots

Sam Bass Warner: Don Berwick for Governor!

sam bass warnerI am asking you for your vote on Sept.9 for Dr. Don Berwick for governor in the Democratic primary.

He is the only candidate who has workable policy ideas for making our lives better. He thinks the state is starved and medical costs are too high. He knows about the deals between hospitals and the insurance companies. He proposes to make our insurance in Massachusetts single payer, like Medicare, thereby saving us all millions in premiums. Also, he wants to clean out the tax exceptions so there is money for education, mental health, prisons and parks.

In short, he is about something.

He is a pediatrician who formed, years ago, with friends an institute to test what medical procedures worked and what ones didn’t. He did that for 20 years with a big impact for improved medical practice.

Obama then asked him to run Medicare and Medicaid, which has 5,400 staffers and an $800 billion budget! As with Senator Warren, the Republicans would not allow him to be appointed permanently.

In his stint in Washington he demonstrated that he knew how to administer a large government agency that necessarily was full of policy conflicts. His method was not authoritarian but he brought the different parties faced with a problem together to have the group make the policy. This is how he will work for our state’s business.

 — Sam Bass Warner, Emerson Rd.

See Other Needham Endorsers, here:

If you want to help out the campaign, a bumper sticker or a lawn sign, you can tell me, or sign up here:

If you are just starting to think about the Governor’s Primary, there are many good resources, including info on all the candidates, here:


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